Art and Western Esotericism – Group B: Poetry, Cinema, Animation, Music and Symbolism

Coordination: Teresa Lousa (UL)

Art is, like many other areas of knowledge, a vehicle of expression and communication of an inner expertise, being considered by the Gnosis one of the four pillars of knowledge, along with the Science, Philosophy and Religion. We can find, from Antiquity to contemporaneity, in temples, paintings, sculptures, music and also in literature and poetry many testimonials of how artists have shaped in a metaphorical language, intuitions of a science tendentiously dialectic.

More than a mystical route, art is also one of the main cultural expressions of a knowledge that for not being mainstream and for having been pejoratively coined for centuries, cannot have a peaceful or ostentatious disclosure. For this reason the Western esotericism found undeniably in art, by its imagetical and metaphorical nature, and not literal or textual character, an extremely fertile territory for its dissemination and promotion.

Thus, in this Thematic Symposium we would like to receive proposals that explore the relation between art and western esotericism within a dual framework: as revelation and as dissemination of a hermetic knowledge.


Mariana Bernardo Nunes
Os 5 âmbitos de cura de Paracelso em comparação com o conceito de cura de Hagane no Renkinjutsushi
Miguel Ribeiro-Pereira
Major/Minor Harmony And Modern Human Consciousness – An Anthroposophical And Musical Approach To Laughing And Weeping
Arilson Oliveira
O Simbolismo De “O Nome Da Rosa” – Entre Flores Secretas E Risos Em Lumes
Ana Maria Binet
De um «saber hermético» a uma poesia iniciática: o caminho de Fernando Pessoa pelo labirinto do esoterismo ocidental
Isabel da Rocha
Música e os fenómenos do Universo e do Ser Humano, na tradição Pitagórica